This phone is of 60 pounds and in USA 70$.This phone quality is this that its battery timing is 15 year.You can call from this phone and it can broad cast it,s area and it got a Torch too.,Its name is (SPARE ONE) and it is very much unique. It runs on 1 cell and which is remain charge for 15 years.This emergency phone have,nt got any camera,web browser,or any high teak feature
Latest technology is making thing small and smaller.So now new glasses has been introduced which will act as a computer screen.You will be able to check the emails and message,s while on walk and all information will come in Field of vision.This is made by a company Liums and named as PD2-18. This will not effect eye side because this company is expert in Light Guide Optical Element Technology. The technology which is used in these glasses has been used by Professional,s and Army.This company has introduced new generation.This is very useful for Pilots, Surgeons and Army.The reason to intrudused it for people is that they will be able to watch moves and will be able to play games on glasses and can be done while you are walking.But people should take care while walking.
As we know Electronics are begin small in size.The are only small in there size not in there performance. Roberts ecologic Radio set is prof.This radio set contain Analog watch which beautiful display makes it different from other.
aaxa p4 is small pico projector but the only projector in the world which gives the bright video.Its battery timing is 80 Minutes and 80 inch picture through Led light.
New scatting board is fully car.It can be control by Voice and moments.Really scientist had made a scatting board in which motor is fit.It is set on the Microsoft XBOX Kinect 380 and Samsung window8 tablet computer is fitted on it which is control by Voice.
Touch screen new product had been made.Usually Touch screen have Pixels but in a new touch screen Tixels are added by which you can feel the touch screen.Through Electro statics effects by which Dial button and Texture are shown on screen to which you touch so you can feel.Latest mobile phone